Stay In Your Lane

Stay In Your Lane

Often times we can feel like we are a small ant in an ant farm: moving without direction, guidance, and for trying to achieve the same goal as the hundreds around us. It initially feels easy to fall into the crowd and follow the footsteps of those we may think are more knowledgeable around us. But the truth is we are never going to reach the same goal as anyone else the same way. You could try with all your power to emulate the life of someone you admire, but you will never yield the exact same results. That’s not how God allows things to work. He didn’t create you to be a replica. He has a lane designed specifically for YOU, and no one can run faster, harder, or more successful in it than you.

Here are some suggestions to help you learn to Stay In Your Own Lane:

#1 Find your lane! This is the first and most important step. What do YOU love to do? What fills you with passion? What could you see yourself doing in ten years with excitement that you can get working on now?

#2 Stop worrying about what others are doing! The most common mistake in exploring your purpose is seeking it in the purpose of others. Be inspired by those around you who are finding their calling – but don’t be intimidated or weakened by what may appear like greater success than what God has for you. No mans success is greater or worse than any others – its just DIFFERENT

#3 Be Patient! Staying in your lane requires discipline. You don’t have time to look back to see who is gaining in on you. You don’t have time to look ahead and stress about when the finish line is approaching. You have to live in the moment, do what you believe it takes, and be patiently excited about the future results.

There is enough gold in this world for everyone. Don’t waste time chasing after someone else rainbow when yours is right behind you.

Be blessed,


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About the Author : Aurelia Michael

Aurelia Michael